Heartland Acres Agribition Center in Independence, IA completes the annual Tractor Ride, Saturday, June 14, 2014.
Forty-five tractor drivers and their riders standing in front of the main entrance of Heartland Acres Agribition Center prior to the 2014 Tractor Ride held Saturday, June 14.
The Heartland Acres Tractor Ride was successfully completed for 2014. “The ride this year attracted 45 tractors from throughout Northeast Iowa and has been our largest ride yet,” commented Craig Johnson, Executive Director.
This year the rout took a few extra turns including a parade through Prairie Hills Senior Living, West Care Village Care Center and East Town Care Center. Scheduled stops included Jakeway Park and Backbone State Park. Communities visited included Independence, Winthrop, Lamont, Dundee, and Aurora. The riders also had a mid-afternoon break at the Scott and Shalon Frye farm north of Independence. The family provided treats and soda for the riders.
Tractor rides in Iowa are unique and, with the beautiful landscape along almost any route, participants are assured a great experience.
For more information about Heartland Acres, please visit www.heartlandacresusa.com or call (319) 332-0123 or see Heartland Acres on Facebook.