Share Your Best Idea with Us!

Reader Contribution by Leslie C. Mcmanus
Published on June 20, 2016
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At more than 1,200 events held all over the U.S. every year, people like you set up demonstrations and displays that give a glimpse into traditional farm practices. Everything from harvesting to threshing, shelling to plowing, grinding to sawing, individuals and small groups crank it up and get ‘er done. But there is always more than one way to skin a cat. Why not share your best ideas?

Larry Whitesell’s story will resonate with any of you who’ve produced or helped produce a demonstration at a show. For several years, he put on a blacksmith demonstration at a show near his home in Tipton, Indiana. 

“After loading, hauling, unloading, setting up, demonstrating, loading, hauling, unloading and putting the display away each year, I began to consider the merits of a portable blacksmith shop,” Larry says. “It increasingly seemed that the demonstration itself had become the lesser part of the operation.”

Next thing you know, he had a shop on wheels that could easily be hauled to and from the showgrounds. Obviously the shop didn’t build itself. But it’s easy to imagine the near glee he must have experienced during design and construction, knowing that the drudgery of packing, loading and set up were things of the past. Plus, it’s a safe bet that he had fun figuring out ways to salvage “found” materials that added utility or eye appeal and reduced the cost.

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