Farm Collector Wants Your Show Photos!

Reader Contribution by Farm Collector
Published on October 4, 2013
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The deadline for submissions for the annual Farm Collector Show Photo issue is Friday, Nov. 8. This is your chance to showcase your favorite photos from show season 2013 in the pages of Farm Collector’s 2014 February issue.

Send good quality prints (no photos from home printers, please!) to Farm Collector Show Photo Issue, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609. Email high resolution digital images to

With each photo, please send as much detailed information as possible: name of equipment; names of people; name, date and location of the show. Please include a phone number and email address so we can contact you if we have questions. Photos of children under age 18 will only be published if accompanied by a signed release from the child’s parent; contact us if you need a release form. Need more information? Call us at 1-800-682-4704.

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