Super-Sized in 2009: I&I Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Club Show

By Leslie C. Mcmanus
Published on March 1, 2010
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A 1951 Ford 8N with bombardier tracks, Dearborn steel cab and 19-4 V-snow plow, and Sherman under- and overdrive. Owner Steve Parker, Mahomet, Ill., restored the piece.
A 1951 Ford 8N with bombardier tracks, Dearborn steel cab and 19-4 V-snow plow, and Sherman under- and overdrive. Owner Steve Parker, Mahomet, Ill., restored the piece.
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An Allis-Chalmers high-pressure washer from the 1970s and an Allis Snow Whiz snow blower, both from the collection of G.E. Heatherwick, Peoria, Ill.
An Allis-Chalmers high-pressure washer from the 1970s and an Allis Snow Whiz snow blower, both from the collection of G.E. Heatherwick, Peoria, Ill.
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This Kromer Hi-Boy sprayer is mounted on a 1957 John Deere 420T with crawler final drives. The rig was shipped as a kit to Kromer Mfg., Minneapolis, for conversion to a Hi-Boy.
This Kromer Hi-Boy sprayer is mounted on a 1957 John Deere 420T with crawler final drives. The rig was shipped as a kit to Kromer Mfg., Minneapolis, for conversion to a Hi-Boy. "I had one just like it in the 1970s when I started farming," says owner Steve Eilers, Martinton, Ill. "I sprayed 600 acres with it. Then I sold it and got something bigger." Years later, he saw a photo of one in a book identifying the rig as one of 10 built. "I kicked myself for getting rid of the one I had, and started trying to find another one," he says. This one turned up on eBay. "I spent the winter fixing it up. We had to send the brakes to Chicago to have the bands relined, and rewired it. Otherwise, it was operational."
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Unusual Allis-Chalmers memorabilia: a 1953 shipping crate and a hardhat and welding helmet, from the collection of Garry Rex, Aspers, Pa.
Unusual Allis-Chalmers memorabilia: a 1953 shipping crate and a hardhat and welding helmet, from the collection of Garry Rex, Aspers, Pa.
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This 1954 Ford F600 grain truck (owned by Mike Miner, Watseka, Ill.) was part of the show’s American Truck Historical Society display.
This 1954 Ford F600 grain truck (owned by Mike Miner, Watseka, Ill.) was part of the show’s American Truck Historical Society display.
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This 1963 Allis-Chalmers D21 (owned by Dick and Laura Riggert, Metamora, Ill.) is one of just 1,129 built.
This 1963 Allis-Chalmers D21 (owned by Dick and Laura Riggert, Metamora, Ill.) is one of just 1,129 built.
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A 1966 Case 1200 TK owned by Tom Zachary, Ottawa, Ill.
A 1966 Case 1200 TK owned by Tom Zachary, Ottawa, Ill.
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A John Deere 40 square-back combine working in a field demonstration.
A John Deere 40 square-back combine working in a field demonstration.
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Large demonstration areas allow lots of participation in field events and excavation
Large demonstration areas allow lots of participation in field events and excavation "work" at the I&I grounds.
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A vintage planter stands by a field showing the unmistakable grid of check-planted corn. The field is part of the I&I Club's large demonstration area.
A vintage planter stands by a field showing the unmistakable grid of check-planted corn. The field is part of the I&I Club's large demonstration area.
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Dewain Moore, Rossville, Ill., keeps the trains running – literally. Housed in an enclosed 32-foot trailer with windows on each side, his collection of G-scale model trains circle a tiny farm town where time stands still. Farmyards are filled with antique equipment and tools. A locomotive hauls a load of Waterloo Boy tractors and cattle cars; a Keck-Gonnerman threshing machine and old combine stand at the ready.
Dewain Moore, Rossville, Ill., keeps the trains running – literally. Housed in an enclosed 32-foot trailer with windows on each side, his collection of G-scale model trains circle a tiny farm town where time stands still. Farmyards are filled with antique equipment and tools. A locomotive hauls a load of Waterloo Boy tractors and cattle cars; a Keck-Gonnerman threshing machine and old combine stand at the ready.

A lot of things may have been downsized during 2009 but Historic Farm Days – an annual presentation of the I&I Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Club in Penfield, Ill. – was not one of them.

The event played host to an enormous Allis-Chalmers feature, the Classic Farm Tractors Calendar Reunion, American Truck Historical Society Show, two Smithsonian exhibits and a Cushman scooter display.

Big Bud 16V-747, the Australian tractor trekkers and a selection of equipment in original condition were also on hand. (Read more about the equipment in original condition: “Collecting Authentic Pieces: Vintage Equipment in Original Condition.”)

All that was in addition to the show’s regular lineup: tractor pulls, extensive field and construction demonstrations, parades, garden tractors, swap meet, museum displays, and spark show. Check out these photo highlights in the Image Gallery!

For more information: I&I Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Club’s Historic Farm Days, July 8-11, 2010. Show feature: International Harvester. Contact Darius Harms, 2191 Rd. 2200 E., St. Joseph, IL 61873; (217) 694-4132 or (217) 202-0970;
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