A lot of things may have been downsized during 2009 but Historic Farm Days – an annual presentation of the I&I Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Club in Penfield, Ill. – was not one of them.
The event played host to an enormous Allis-Chalmers feature, the Classic Farm Tractors Calendar Reunion, American Truck Historical Society Show, two Smithsonian exhibits and a Cushman scooter display.
Big Bud 16V-747, the Australian tractor trekkers and a selection of equipment in original condition were also on hand. (Read more about the equipment in original condition: “Collecting Authentic Pieces: Vintage Equipment in Original Condition.”)
All that was in addition to the show’s regular lineup: tractor pulls, extensive field and construction demonstrations, parades, garden tractors, swap meet, museum displays, and spark show. Check out these photo highlights in the Image Gallery!
For more information: I&I Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Club’s Historic Farm Days, July 8-11, 2010. Show feature: International Harvester. Contact Darius Harms, 2191 Rd. 2200 E., St. Joseph, IL 61873; (217) 694-4132 or (217) 202-0970; www.antiquefarm.org.