This wooden corn planter has wooden drums for wheels that measure 8 by 28 inches. There is a lot of evidence of red paint with yellow, gold or orange pinstripes. It is set at a 42-inch row width. The planter boxes have wooden lids. The seed is dropped manually by a person sitting up front. The seed plates measure 4 inches by 13 inches. They have holes for different sizes of seeds. They slide in the box and have a “V” stamped on them. Other parts are stamped with “DD” or “EE.” I am looking for information and pictures to guide me in restoring it.
Norman Roering43512 Co. Rd. 19Belgrade, MN 56312(320) 254-3452Send letters to: Farm Collector, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; FAX: (785) 274-4385; e-mail: