Looking for leads on International Harvester planter
A photo of my checkrow planter appeared in the January 2023 issue of Farm Collector and the reaction and response to it has been surprising. Most people want to know the brand and age. I’ve carefully searched for a serial number, casting numbers, paint remnants or anything which will identify it, and the only thing I found was a part with number and logo near the planting disks on each side. The logo is well-worn, but appears to be International Harvester. Based on this, can anyone estimate the age of this machine?
Kelly Cawood, Moore, Oklahoma;
email: kellycawood@gmail.com.
Need help with horse-drawn plow handles
My cousins have our granddad’s Oliver 40 horse-drawn plow with the steel shaft. However, he can’t figure out how the handles attach. Would anyone have a diagram or image of the attachment assembly?
Evanna Frey via email: