What do you do to fight winter boredom? Too much snow, ice, rain and fog. Why not make a tractor grill! I looked at landscape timber; it cost $4.50 a post. That would be fine, but why go shopping inside when you can go to an outside auction in January?
At the auction, there was very nice farm equipment, but I bought cloth gunnysacks, horse harness, two big steel wheels and 30 4-inch wood posts. There was a 1968 3-wheel sprayer with a Wisconsin motor. It would have been neat to cruise on, but it sold for $500 – too much for me. I only spent $21 for all my treasures.
Now, how do I make a wooden steel-wheel grill? I took two wood posts and a long, threaded bolt under each of the posts, and put a steel wheel on each side and a smaller one up front. Earlier we junked out three steel-wheeled cultivators and kept the salvageable parts. From a sulky plow, I had brackets and the seat. I took the power saw and cut off the parts that I didn’t need from a gas grill. Then I attached the grill. Because the grill lid needs to be functional, the side posts are 33 inches high. I added a piece of board on top. I used a chrome pipe to hook up the steering wheel. The steering wheel and the mirror were taken off a junk boat.
It has steel straps for your feet, a drawbar and chrome exhaust pipe. The radiator came from a wrecked 2008 Colorado pickup. The fan blade is a hiller that can be turned by hand. The headlights were used at a high school football field. I hope to add a hand crank and some neat gauges and some sort of grille this summer from some swap meets. So far we have had burgers and dogs on my tractor grill. Can’t wait to put a steer on that grill-n-tractor. Keep up the great magazine!
Jerry WhipplePipestone, Minn.Send letters to: Farm Collector, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; FAX: (785) 274-4385; e-mail: editor@farmcollector.com.