When an old farmhouse near my home was demolished and the area was cleared, the contractor found an unusual grinder. When he showed it to me, I expressed such interest that he gave me the rusted treasure.
The manufacturer’s name was F.W. Mann Co., Milford, Mass. It appears to be some sort of grinder. It is about 18 inches high, made of cast iron and has three serrated blades. Does anyone know what this might be and if there are parts available? It is missing the handle. Any info will be appreciated.
Clarence Gibbs1745 Holly Springs Rd.Inman, SC 29349864-472-2002Send letters to: Farm Collector, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; FAX: (785) 274-4385; e-mail: editor@farmcollector.com.