Letters: Rare Tractor, Power Mower, and Silage Cutter

By The Farm Collector Magazine Readers
Published on September 1, 2001
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Photo: Farm Collector Magazine Staff
A stationary silage cutter from the era when Algoma Machinery Co was producing them might have looked something like this.

I recently purchased a stationary silage cutter and would like to restore it. The name ‘Algoma Foundry & Machinery Co., Algoma, WI’ is stenciled on the side of the frame. I have tried to find information on the company or the machine, but have had very little success. Can anyone help me out?

Rick Wuertz
Marion, SD

I am enjoying your magazine, but have a couple of questions. Has anyone besides me ever seen a Nelson tractor? When I was a boy, our neighbor had a Nelson tractor and a threshing machine. I am interested in the tractor. As well as I remember, they never used it for anything but threshing. It must have been a rare tractor because it’s the only one I have ever seen. I am 86 years old, so it was quite while ago.

My other comment is about the Fordson tractor. Someone said they never had any power take-off equipment, but this is not so. We had a Fordson and a power take-off mower. One removed the drawbar assembly and the mower bolted on in its place. One removed the nut on the end of the worm drive and a clutch affair bolted to the worm drive. If I remember right, the mower was called a Taco, made by the Detroit Machine Co. We knew some people that lived about 20 miles from us and they had same power mower. These two machines were the only ones I ever saw. They were one of the best mowers we ever used. We lived in the sandhillls of Nebraska and mowed 500 to 700 acres of grass hay every year.

Gerald Lockhart

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