Rose City Threshing & Heritage Festival Keeps Blooming

By Bill Vossler
Published on April 3, 2018
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Though this Minneapolis-Moline corn sheller is in working order, it is a static display at the Rose City show.
Though this Minneapolis-Moline corn sheller is in working order, it is a static display at the Rose City show.
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This potato digger is part of the Rose City display.
This potato digger is part of the Rose City display.
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Joe Steinhagen working with his 1913 60 hp steam engine.
Joe Steinhagen working with his 1913 60 hp steam engine.
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This 1924 20-40 Rumely OilPull belongs to the Rose City association.
This 1924 20-40 Rumely OilPull belongs to the Rose City association.
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Joe saved Harvey Danielson’s New Idea corn husker-shredder from the junk pile. It is displayed each year at the Rose City threshing show.
Joe saved Harvey Danielson’s New Idea corn husker-shredder from the junk pile. It is displayed each year at the Rose City threshing show.
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No one at Rose City knows anything about this bale collector.
No one at Rose City knows anything about this bale collector.
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This Belle City thresher was originally used on Harvey Danielson’s farm.
This Belle City thresher was originally used on Harvey Danielson’s farm.
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The pump on this wagon was manufactured by Justin Mfg. Co., Chicago, Illinois.
The pump on this wagon was manufactured by Justin Mfg. Co., Chicago, Illinois.
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Rear view of the pump wagon.
Rear view of the pump wagon.
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The builder left his mark on this scale model steam engine.
The builder left his mark on this scale model steam engine.
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Joe’s half-scale Minneapolis steam engine.
Joe’s half-scale Minneapolis steam engine.

Every display of old iron is unique, and the Rose City Threshing & Heritage Festival of Miltona, Minnesota, is no exception. Mixed in with familiar events like threshing and shocking demonstrations are less familiar, quirky things – like potatoes free for the digging.

From its founding (a display of one man’s collection) to an inventory of odd and unusual relics (a bale collector and a well-drilling rig) to the way the event has grown (like a weed), the Rose City festival goes its own way – and makes it work.

One-man show adopted by local community

Thirty years ago, Harvey Danielson decided to start a small show on his property – a 160-acre century farm near Rose City – with exhibits showcasing his gasoline engine collection. Joe Steinhagen, Alexandria, Minnesota, a member of the show association who works closely with the summer presentation, describes what happened next.

“The next year, Harvey asked, ‘since everybody comes here anyway, why don’t we do a little bit of threshing?’ Which they did, using his Belle City thresher,” Joe says. “After that, somebody brought in horses to pull the bundle racks, and they were followed by somebody offering some tractors.”

When the work involved began to become overwhelming, volunteers came together to launch an association and the Rose City show. “Not only the association for the show,” Joe says, “but also for the legality of everything.

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