Threshing Long Ago

Check out this story about threshing and threshing machines from the early 1900s.

By Sam Moore
Updated on June 6, 2022
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By Sam Moore
An open cylinder groundhog thresher owned by Gene Loxtercamp of Sauk Center, MN..

The August, 1907 issue of The American Thresherman contained a letter from Edgar L. Vincent [no address given] in which he reminisced about an early threshing experience. When I was a boy on a western Pennsylvania farm, the big event in August was the two or three days when the threshing machine came and did our wheat and oats, so this seems an appropriate time for Mr. Vincent to retell his tale.

“The first threshing machine I ever saw was a flail. Threshing was usually postponed until the frost came in the fall, when the neighbors would come in and ‘change work’ with my father, going from one farm to another till the scanty harvest was all pounded out. It was a great time for us youngsters when the thud, thud, thud of the flails sounded their music over the hills. The work of cleaning the grain was also interesting to us boys, for we liked to turn the fanning mill till our strength ran down so we could scarcely turn the crank.

“Later came the open-cylinder groundhog machine. I recall the first time one of them set up in our new barn. We had recently demolished our old log house to make way for the new frame home that was to be built, and we moved into the stable of the newly built barn. Of course, as no cattle had yet been in the stable it was as neat and clean as any house and we liked the smell of the sweet new wood.

“But that job of threshing was a great one and no mistake! We had hung quilts all along the barn floor next the stable to keep grain and dirt from scattering into our living quarters, but when the grain bundles went into that open cylinder, how the grain did fly everywhere! Up to the top of the barn, all about the big floor, against the hay mow, into the eyes of the hands, peppering us all like hailstones in a great storm. Queer that no one had then thought to provide a cover for that cylinder! So it seems now, but like all other inventions, the thresher was a growth in progress. Men thought of one thing and put it into use and then, by-and-by, another bright idea came into their minds and to be adopted after no small struggle.

“Cleaning the grain was done with a fanning mill. The idea of combining a thresher with a separator was a thing of the future. After the thresher moved out of the barn we had to sweep and shovel the grain and chaff all up in a heap and run it through the fanning mill. It was a big thing, though, to have the grain pounded from the straw by something besides the flail.”

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