Farm Collector reader Tal Harris found this piece at a North Carolina antique shop. Portions above and below this panel (measuring 6 by 7 inches) had been removed before he found it. Promoting Plano Manufacturing Co. (Ill.), the advertisement imagines a scene of generous accolades for the company and its steel binder. The piece is undated, but it likely goes back to the early 1880s.
The back of the piece lists various Plano Manufacturing agencies, including one in “Fargo, D.T.” – a reference to Dakota Territory. The Dakotas won statehood in 1889. Names of company officers are also listed, including President Wm. H. Jones, who took the helm of the company in 1881. Plano Manufacturing was one of five companies that joined forces in 1902 to form International Harvester Co.
“It is fun to imagine that the binders, teams and people in the background represent the competition,” Tal muses, “flying their white flags of surrender as the Plano Co. receives their laurels.” FC
Thanks to David Schnakenberg, who provided some of the background information on this piece. To submit a vintage advertisement for publication, send it to: Iron Age Ads, Farm Collector, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; or submit high-quality digital images by