This high-quality poster was made from an image of a Deering tractor and implement dealership sign dating to about 1930. The porcelain enamel sign was issued in France by the Deering Division of International Harvester Co., Chicago.
The image shows a Frenchman standing on a ladder, nailing a large Deering sign on the wall. The sign reads, “Machines Agricoles & Ficelle – Deering – En Vente Ici.” An identical sign is shown hanging on a bracket at the front of the dealership. A small “mower section” porcelain sign is visible at the corner of the building, with a Deering horse-drawn mower, grain binder and tractor on the street.
Deering Harvester Co. was one of the five companies that merged in 1903 to form International Harvester Co. FC
Grateful acknowledgement is given to David Schnakenberg, who contributed this image from his collection of pre-1910 chromolithographs of farm machinery advertising. For more information, contact him at 10108 Tamarack Dr., Vienna, VA 22182; (703) 938-8606;; view the Schnakenberg Collection.
To submit a vintage advertisement for publication, send it to: Iron Age Ads, Farm Collector, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609; or submit high-quality digital images by email: