Farmhand Loader Line Included Varied Models and Attachments

By Farm Collector Staff
Published on September 1, 2007
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The Farmhand F-25 loader with grapple hook. (Image courtesy Bob Shilling.)
The Farmhand F-25 loader with grapple hook. (Image courtesy Bob Shilling.)
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Farmhand loaders were also designed for use on trucks as shown here. (Image courtesy Paul Radabaugh.)
Farmhand loaders were also designed for use on trucks as shown here. (Image courtesy Paul Radabaugh.)
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Chris Menssen, rural St. James, Minn., shows how a Farmhand hay loader works at the Butterfield (Minn.) Threshing Bee. (Image courtesy Gary Menssen.)
Chris Menssen, rural St. James, Minn., shows how a Farmhand hay loader works at the Butterfield (Minn.) Threshing Bee. (Image courtesy Gary Menssen.)
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Paul with one of his model Jayhawk hay stackers.
Paul with one of his model Jayhawk hay stackers.

Farmhand Inc. of Hopkins, Minn., made several Farmhand models: the F-10, F-11 and F-25, 235 and 236, and others. Paul Radabaugh makes models of the F-10. The F-11 is a smaller version similar to today’s front end loaders. The F-25 was a later version.

The Farmhand company manufactured 10 attachments: a hay basket, a grapple fork that fits on a manure or forage fork, a manure fork, a forage fork, a detachable scoop, plates attached to a manure fork to make a bucket or a gravel loader, a bulldozer blade, a push-off attachment for a hay basket, an all-purpose scoop bucket and a V-snowplow.

Farmhand Inc. also made forage wagons, dump rakes, a two-wheel trailer, a Farmhand self-unloading power box and Farmhand 90 wagon, as well as specialty loaders shrunk to fit the smaller Ford 8N tractors.

The company’s roots go back at least to the 1950s. No mention is made of the company after 1990.

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