In Search of the Pull-Type Gleaner Combine

By Richard Stout
Published on December 3, 2018
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A photo of the pull-type Gleaner combine in the author’s possession.
A photo of the pull-type Gleaner combine in the author’s possession.
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The irons at a right angle in front of the wheel show where the Ford Model T engine sat, with radiator and crank pointing outward.
The irons at a right angle in front of the wheel show where the Ford Model T engine sat, with radiator and crank pointing outward.
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This photo shows the platform where the man stood to run the header lever.
This photo shows the platform where the man stood to run the header lever.
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The lever used to lift the header is shown at top center of this photo. At bottom left is the Model T driveshaft; at bottom center, the chain that goes to the combine jackshaft.
The lever used to lift the header is shown at top center of this photo. At bottom left is the Model T driveshaft; at bottom center, the chain that goes to the combine jackshaft.
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Gleaner postcard showing Fordson-mounted unit.
Gleaner postcard showing Fordson-mounted unit.

In my youth, my dad talked of the Fordson-mounted Gleaner combine he used in the 1930s. Later, going to old-time farm shows and swap meets, I talked to fellows from Kansas and Nebraska, where some of this stuff was still in groves, fencerows and collectors’ hands. That lasted until the scrap iron prices got high; now, little is left.

When a couple of my daughters married in the 1980s, one in north central Kansas and the other in southwest Kansas, that gave me a good excuse to get out that way to look into what could be discovered in Fordson-mounted Gleaners and parts.

I will have to give credit to another daughter and son-in-law who lived close by, and to my wife, who put up with this and kept the home fires going and saw that the chores were done on the farm. Nothing was like coming home late at night from one of these escapades, getting into bed, and hearing my wife say to me, “Which do you want to hear first: the good news or the bad news?”

Over the years, I did get to know a lot of interesting people, hear a lot of stories, see and find some interesting machinery (although some of it I did not realize what I was seeing until a lot later).

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