Custom Harvester Tales and Go-Devils

Reader letters about first-hand stories from custom harvesters and vintage equipment companies.

By Farm Collector readers
Updated on November 9, 2022
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by Russel Wyatt

Custom harvesters telling tales

My hometown is Stockton, the original Breadbasket of California. We have thousands upon thousands of acres of grain-growing land, from the flat Central Valley floor to the gentle hills to the west.

My father worked many years at a farm machinery repair and parts house. Two of his customers – Ray Dorado and Bruno Simi – became good friends of our family. Together they owned the largest custom grain harvesting outfit in a six-county area.

These two had some funny stories to tell. One involved Bruno and a custom harvester conference. During the conference, they showed an old film with actor Dennis Weaver as the owner of a harvesting outfit. Bruno mentioned he’d never run green and yellow machines as were featured in the movie. Since the beginning of his business, all he owned were big red Massey combines. A guy nearby turned to Bruno, pointed at the screen and said, “Oh, by the way, that’s my outfit.” Our friend got up slowly and walked out.

Ray told us a story involving their largest customer. This grower had ag experts on the payroll. One day the customer asked Ray if they would harvest his fields if he planted barley. Ray told him that, as far as he knew, nobody had succeeded in growing it. The customer was adamant that he would follow his experts’ advice. Ray said he would try it, if the customer bought the correct combine head. Having consulted another grower who had tried planting barley earlier, Ray again warned the customer that the barley heads would fall apart.

At harvest time, with the special head, the harvest began. After the first row, it was evident the harvester was doing a great job of planting the barley seeds for the next year. Ninety percent of the grain didn’t even make it to the hopper, let alone the bank-out wagon. That head was rusting away in their yard when they closed the outfit 15 years later.

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