How does this horse-powered sweep work?

By David Ruark
Published on August 6, 2009
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David Ruark and his local agricultural museum need help figuring out how this horse-powered, sweep-type hay press/baler unit works.
David Ruark and his local agricultural museum need help figuring out how this horse-powered, sweep-type hay press/baler unit works.
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Another view of the horse-powered, sweep-type hay press/baler unit.
Another view of the horse-powered, sweep-type hay press/baler unit.

We need help figuring out how this horse-powered, sweep-type unit for a hay press/baler works. Our ag museum has three other horse power/sweep units that use gearing, but this new one has no gears. It has a long rod with a heavy, log-type chain that really has us scratching our heads, as you can pull a chain but you can’t push a chain! We’ve been unable to determine the make of the unit. Thanks for your help.

David Ruark
274 Malone Hill Rd.
Pomeroy, WA 99347
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