New Features for Cars in the Early 1900s

Reader Contribution by Sam Moore
Published on December 3, 2012
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During the early 1900s, improvements to the then-fledgling motor car provided a fertile field for inventors. Many of their ideas became standard on later cars, some didn’t, and some are considered today to be new innovations.

Under the heading, “A Wonderful Electrical Automobile Equipment,” was the following account, written in 1908 (keep in mind that car lights at this time were fueled by acetylene gas and had to be lit with a match):

“The Witherbee Igniter Co. of New York has just finished the most complete electrical  installation ever put on an automobile.

“This electrical equipment consists of two Witherbee batteries connected in series, located under the rear seat of the machine. The batteries are charged by a dynamo situated under the front floor boards. A wood split pulley, attached to the shaft between the clutch and the gear box, together with a belt, drives the dynamo and an air compressor, which inflates the tires and operates the pneumatic jacks for raising the machine. In addition to the dynamo, there is a Wico charging device located on the running board, which enables the driver to charge the storage batteries from any electric light socket.

“The headlights are equipped with stereopticon incandescent lights, which can be turned off or on at will. The side and rear lights are fitted with small incandescents.

“By each of the side doors of the tonneau there is a lamp turned on automatically when either door is opened, lighting the way into the tonneau, where another lamp operates simultaneously by the same means, illuminating the interior.

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