Old Iron Collector Has Diverse Interests in Antiques

By Cary Rideout
Published on May 3, 2013
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A Coffield Gyrator washing machine in Willard Giberson's collection. The widely acclaimed Gyrator sold for $119.50 ($1,594.50 today) in 1927.
A Coffield Gyrator washing machine in Willard Giberson's collection. The widely acclaimed Gyrator sold for $119.50 ($1,594.50 today) in 1927.
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Vintage machinery seats have found a home in Willard's collection.
Vintage machinery seats have found a home in Willard's collection.
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An Aspinwall-Watson potato planter manufactured in Houlton, Maine.
An Aspinwall-Watson potato planter manufactured in Houlton, Maine.
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An intricately detailed stove built by Laurel Stoves & Ranges.
An intricately detailed stove built by Laurel Stoves & Ranges.
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Willards favorite antique stovem a Waterloo No. 3 cook stove built by Connell Bros., Woodstock, New Brunswick.
Willards favorite antique stovem a Waterloo No. 3 cook stove built by Connell Bros., Woodstock, New Brunswick.
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Willard's Massey-Harris 30 tractor.
Willard's Massey-Harris 30 tractor.

Willard Giberson doesn’t
limit his collection to antique gas engines. He also enjoys tractors and other
old iron. “Wood stoves, I like them,” he says enthusiastically. “I collected
stoves before I took up engines.” The oldest one in his collection is a Tiger
Model 21. “It’s 140-150 years old. I also have a few made locally by Connell Bros.
down the road in Woodstock.

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