Last of Barn Painters

Harley Warrick left his mark on rural America in Mail Pouch barn paintings.

By Fred Hendricks
Updated on May 5, 2022
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by Fred Hendricks
This weathered Mail Pouch barn was photographedalong an Ohio byway.

Mail Pouch Tobacco barns were once common along American highways and country roads. The barn advertising campaign was launched by the West Virginia Mail Pouch chewing tobacco company (Bloch Brothers Tobacco Co.). The program ran from 1891 to 1992. In its height during the early 1960s, thousands of Mail Pouch barns were spread across 22 states.

gray shed advertisement

Initially, barn owners were paid between $1 and $2 per year for the advertisement. In 1913 dollars, that equates to $20-40 today. More importantly, the barn received a fresh coat by a team of painters. The Mail Pouch message was painted on one or two sides, depending on road visibility.

With the passage of time, Mail Pouch barns are slowly disappearing from the landscape. The remaining barns with the familiar advertising slogan, Chew Mail Pouch Tobacco, Treat Yourself to the Best has become American folk art.

barn in countryside

Painter becomes a legend in his own time

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