Restored Farmall and Memories of Horse-Farming Days

Letters to the editor about a restored Farmall tractor, memories of horse-farming days, and a Prince Albert tin.

By Farm Collector readers
Published on March 2, 2022
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by Loren terlisner

“He traded two horses and a horse cultivator, and paid $255 to boot”

This is our recently restored 1929 Farmall Regular (serial No. 57450) built in March 1929. It’s an original Farmall. It was on display and in the parade at Albany (Minnesota) Pioneer Days September 16-19, 2021. I was the driver.

When the larger Farmall F-30 and the small Farmall F-12 were added, company advertising began referring to the first tractor as “the regular Farmall.” Although the term “Farmall” had been in use among company personnel since 1919, it was not registered until July 17, 1923, and was finally authorized by the Naming Committee on February 5, 1924. In 1924, the Farmall was priced at $950.

The tractor is owned by me and my brother Darrell. Our dad, Leonard Terlisner, bought this used tractor in December 1941, right after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He traded two horses and a horse cultivator, and paid $255 to boot.

Loren Terlisner, St. Cloud, Minnesota

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