Transporting the Hercules Mill

Check out one reader's experience of transporting an antique windmill by car from Indiana to Ohio.

Reader Contribution by Clyde Eide
Published on May 6, 2020
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by Clyde Eide
The British Hercules.

It was the 2005 Windmiller’s Trade Fair in Kendallville, Indiana. I had decided it would be easier to transport a mill for exhibit by not knocking it down, except for removing the vane. The mill was a British Hercules and was mounted to an exhibit (stub) tower. I had tied the wheel down so it would not try to spin in the back of the pickup. The mill fit perfectly in the back of my little Chevy S10 and I left my home in Columbus, Ohio, for Kendallville, thinking all would be well.

Little did I realize that, heading down the interstate, every time an 18-wheeler flew past me, my truck would rock and roll in a very scary fashion. I had white knuckles from holding on to the steering wheel by the time I exited the interstate. I was very glad to arrive at the fair safely and unload my cargo. I put the thought of the return trip in the back of my mind and set about enjoying the fair.

By the time the fair was over, I remembered the drive in and quickly decided to disassemble the mill. It took a little more time, but my return trip was much more tranquil. For more information on how this mill found its way to the U.S., see here.

Clyde Eide, Bryan, Texas

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