A Place for You in the Community

Reader Contribution by Leslie C. Mcmanus
Published on February 6, 2019
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Years ago, when I knew everything and routinely felt the need to demonstrate that fact, a wise woman fixed her gaze on me and pronounced words that stuck: “Each day,” she said, “has its own surprises.”

Each year, too. We don’t know everything that’s coming in 2019, but we do know there are some great changes underway at Ogden Publications, publisher of Farm Collector.

As we move into 2019, Ogden will sharpen its focus on the community surrounding Farm Collector, looking for ways to better serve you — and make this business sustainable for the long haul.

Technically, we exist in a relationship of magazine and subscribers. But I’ve long considered Farm Collector more of a community of like-minded folks than a business model. In my mind’s eye, you – all of you! – are always together at a big show, surrounded by others who share a deep interest in old iron, traditional farming methods and early American ingenuity.

When one of you poses a question in a letter to the editor or on our website, you hear from the community. When you’re at a show and your tractor or engine or truck or trailer has a hiccup, others drop what they’re doing to help. When somebody has the good fortune to happen onto a great find, the story cascades from collector to collector.

None of that is going to change – but it will grow stronger. In the future, you won’t simply subscribe to Farm Collector. Instead, you’ll have the opportunity to choose membership in any of the Ogden communities, including communities for vintage farm engine collectors, classic motorcycle enthusiasts, and people interested in self-sufficiency, homesteading and heirloom plants.

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