February Mystery Tools 2022

Check out these gadgets, gizmos, and contraptions confounding us from the pioneer inventors.

By Farm Collector readers
Published on December 31, 2021
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by Farm Collector reader

A. Board measures 21-1/2 by 8-1/2 inches. Five moving parts. Photo submitted by Rick Kaufman, Danvers, Ill.

metal tool with a metal handle and a threaded piece with a bend on the…

B. Piece marked Bingo Mfg Co., 166 Wren Dr., Los Angles, Cal. Two knobs on end; three notches on other side. Measures 20 inches long as shown (5 inches adjustable; 21 inches fully open).

Vintage wrench built by Bingo Mfg., for use on oil drums or early automotive hubcaps. Identified by Harold Kaufman, Porterfield, Wis. Photo submitted by Jack Fulghum, Fredonia, Kan.

wood implement with half moon shape on top with a triangular cut out in the…

close up of wood tool with an indent in a portion stuck out

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