Well, we had two nice days for our Threshing Bee in spite of
having a flood in the field three times in the past month. It was
sort of muddy and we had to bunch our things up together and not
spread them out like we wanted to.
We had a nice crowd of people both days and everyone seemed to
enjoy themselves greatly. We enjoyed having so many nice people
come back next year. We had people from just about everywhere in
Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania.
One of our engines blew a flue just as we were starting to
thresh oats. It will be working next year. Due to unforseen
difficulties, we did not get our fourth engine. We will have it for
1976 for sure.
We threshed oats, wheat and buckwheat and baled all the straw.
It was too wet and we did not get to hull and clover seed. It did
not ripen in time.
The grist mill was busy both days turning out some fine corn
meal, whole wheat flour, buckwheat flour and cracked wheat. This
was all sold at the show.
A group of us sold some nice bazaar items.
The Barton Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary ran the food
stand both days and had some delicious food for sale.
Mr. Dave Henthorn brought his oil dorrick and steam engine and a
lot of people enjoyed it. Bring it back next year Mr. Henthorn.
Anyone with gas engines or anything you would like to exhibit
bring them next year. We will find space for you to exhibit
Our 1976 show will be October 2 and 3. We live on South Sharon
Road, Belmont County Road #6, at Colerain, Ohio.
For more information write or call Asel A. Gabel, RFD #1, Box
193, South Sharon Road, Bridgeport, Ohio. 43912. Phone: