Box 123, Cut Bank, Montana
I have been reading your fine magazine for four years now and am
not sure when ray subscription expires so I am enclosing $2.00 for
another year, thank you for your good magazine and keep up the good
I am enclosing a picture of the Threshing Bee held on Oct. 4,
were here from various parts of Montana to watch and operate the
engines and I am sure everyone had a good time. I have been with
and around steam traction and stationary engines since 1913 and it
does my heart good to have this annual meeting. Though this was
only the second one, I plan to have one each year as long as I am
I would like to hear from some old timers or, in fact, anyone
who could tell me the year of the Aultman-Taylor I found at Ola,
Idaho. It is a 12 hp beval gear drive, No. 5099. When I first saw
this engine it was almost buried in sawdust and slabs and was in a
sad state, but now it is restored and in running order but it still
needs to be painted and dressed up a little.
I remember when you could count as many as fifteen steam
threshers at one time, now they are few and far between. I was
sorry to see the first gas tractors take over for steam and quite
happy to see steam take over again when the gas engines were not
too successful, but it was short-lived and the gas finally won
There are a number of good hobby men in this area and I enjoy
visiting with them and seeing their engines. I would like to say
that if anyone is interested in seeing my collection when they are
in this area I would be glad to show it.
My collection is ten steam and three gas tractors: 35 hp
Advance; 20 hp Gaar Scott (rear mount); 16 hp Aultman-Taylor; 12 hp
Aultman-Taylor; 20 hp Nichols and Shepard; 36 hp Case portable; 20
hp Reeves; 15 hp Case; 36 hp Case; 22 hp Undermounted Avery; 40-80
Avery Gas; 30-60 Aultman-Taylor Gas; 30-60 Rumely Oil Pull.
If anyone knows where I might be able to buy decals for any of
these engines I would like to hear from them.
Yours for better steaming