4214-37th So., Seattle 8, Washington
Report of the 61 Western Washington Threshing Bee at Fort
Steilacoom, sponsored by Western State Farm – Western Steam Fiends
and Kiwanis Club of South Tacoma. Mr. Joe Tubbs, Chairman for the
Steam Reunion.
7 a.m., Thresherman breakfast, served all day. 9 a.m., Threshing
steam engines, a 50 Case, 22 Advance and 35 Minneapolis, the
largest engine we ever had. 10 a.m., Model threshers started and
ran all day.
12 Noon-Arrival of Gov. Rosellin, State of Washington by
helicopter. 12:15 p.m. Gov. Rosellin presented coronation of
Threshing Bee Princess and Daffodil Queen and all her princesses.
12:30p.m., Grand Parade, led by Grand Marshal Nolder and visiting
dignitaries, steam engines, antique cars, sheriff posse, Lariettes
Horse Club, Cable car from Frisco.
We had a good crowd and warm weather and everybody had a
wonderful time. We are looking forward to next year’s Threshing
Bee. This sure would be a dull world without threshing Bees. I have
learned more from 3 years of threshing Bees than 30 years of