Alvordton, Ohio 43501
For well over twenty years it was my duty and pleasure to report
on the National Threshers Reunions, held first on my husband’s
farm near Alvordton, Ohio, then at the Williams County Fairgrounds
in Montpelier, Ohio, and now for the last six years at the Fulton
County Fairgrounds near Wauseon, Ohio. But last year, when of all
pioneer organization, I was unable to do so. I should have sent in
our appreciation for the cooperation we have enjoyed down through
the years, and for the wonderful farewell reception given us on our
retiring as president and secretary-treasurer. I also should have
asked for the same cooperation for the incoming officers, Earnest
and IIva Hoffer of Toledo.
The reason I did not carry out these duties was because of the
two major operations LeRoy underwent immediately following the 1969
NTA Reunion in July and again in September. Then in October I took
my turn in the hospital for three weeks, following a back injury. I
regret that I am also unable to write on the 1970 NTA Reunion
because I was not there; I was on a tour in the East with my
daughter, a college tour from Central State University in Michigan,
which unfortunately was scheduled for the same time. However, this
year’s Reunion, which I am told was the ‘biggest and Best
yet,’ will be reported on by the NTA president, Earnest
Fully recovered by the time for the 1970 Reunions, LeRoy and I
tried to make up for last year. With the great number of such
events now occurring, it is impossible to make them all. But we did
go down to Elwood, Indiana, where they had a fine display of
engines and did a lot of threshing. Before that we went to
Greenville, Ohio, where they have an improved show grounds at the
Drake County Fairgrounds. Many good engines are exhibited there.
Then came the fine show at Hastings, Michigan, where they have one
of the best sawmills at any show, operated by two engines at a
The show closest to our home is that held on Jim Whitbey’s
farm near Fort Wayne, Indiana. Undoubtedly Harold Gay will send in
his usual complete report of this great show. Threshing and plowing
are two of the major features of this WOWO sponsored show.
On August 28 we started our ‘Grand Tour’ and headed
northwest. First we stopped at Janesville, Wisconsin, where they
were preparing for their show the following week. They have put up
two fine buildings since we were last there. By driving over 600
miles Friday, we were able to get to Madison, South Dakota, in time
for their show at Prairie Village. Here I especially enjoyed the
church service Sunday morning in the restored old Lutheran Church.
From there we went on to Minden, Nebraska, LeRoy’s birthplace,
site now of the world-renowned Pioneer Village. With not too
lengthy driving we were able to spend some time at Antique Acres,
north of Cedar Falls, Iowa, where their fine show was to open the
next day. Here too we saw much improvement since we last visited
A new paragraph must be used to try to describe the fabulous
Midwest Old Threshers show at Mount Pleasant, Iowa. We spent two
days there and then did not see everything. Iowa’s mud was in
evidence, the only drawback to the show. Muddy grounds cut short
our visit to the Central States show at Pontiac, Illinois; and the
same reason caused us to cancel our planned visit to the steam show
at LaPorte, Indiana. But it was a good tour, nevertheless, which we
thoroughly enjoyed and met many old and new friends. (I enclose
some photos.)