After the pandemic-related cancellations of the 2020 show season, the 2021 season seemed bigger and better than ever. The prevailing mood can only be described as pure pleasure. Many shows truly became reunions, as friends reconnected after a year’s absence.
And the pieces on display? It’s as though we saw them through new eyes. The old relics from the past seemed to have a new glow. Before the pandemic, some of us had begun to take these treasures almost for granted. And who could blame us?
When you’re immersed in a hobby like old iron, it’s only natural to focus on the hottest new find, the shiny “new” thing. In fact, between rapidly evolving ag technology, changing farm practices, the dwindling number of family farms and the scrap drives of the World War II years, it’s a wonder that any of this stuff survived, let alone became prized collectibles.
It may have been a long time since a worn-out old thing from the farm really captured your imagination. It’s a useful exercise to step back and remember your introduction to orchard tractors or hog oilers, self-regulating sectional windmills or husking pegs, early gas engines and steam engines, power plants and hay tools.
As these photos attest, each old treasure is special. These pieces are survivors. They teach us lessons; they hold cautionary tales. And they help us remember. Enjoy your trip down memory lane as you peruse the show photos of 2021!