2375 W. Henderson Henderson, Ml 48841
My 10 HP Advance steam traction engine no. 2898 was built in
1895. For the first five years this engine was used in the yards at
the factory in Battle Creek, Michigan. It was then taken into the
shop and extra lugs were installed and the cylinder was bored out
The engine then was sold to L. W. Matice of Gratton, Michigan,
along with an Advance, hand feed, web stacker threshing machine.
Dave Kemler of Alma, Michigan, owns the thresher at the present
Elwood Fry of Grand Rapids owned the engine for a number of
years. In 1974 George Achison of Mt. Morris, Michigan, purchased
the engine and owned it until 1982, when I bought it.
In the spring of 1983, the machine was sandblasted and
repainted. That summer the engine was first displayed at the Mid
Michigan Old Gas Tractor Show at Oakley, Michigan and at the
Saginaw Valley Live Steam Show at Ithaca, Michigan.
This beautiful sketch of a Case model was done by artist John
Berg-meier, 2088 East Lemon, Tempe, Arizona 85281. A steam lover,
John enjoys going to shows and doing drawings for people of their
favorite engines.