By Gerry Lestz
Published on May 1, 1982
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Best 1906 150 HP, with world's largest revolving clock in background. The clock weighs 1.5 tons complete.
Best 1906 150 HP, with world's largest revolving clock in background. The clock weighs 1.5 tons complete.
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40-80 Avery. Oscar used 1032 feet of '' tubing to build a new radiator.
40-80 Avery. Oscar used 1032 feet of '' tubing to build a new radiator.
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Oscar himself being interviewed by a nice young lady from the local TV station.
Oscar himself being interviewed by a nice young lady from the local TV station.
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Minneapolis 25-75 straw burner, about 1912.
Minneapolis 25-75 straw burner, about 1912.
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Minneapolis 35-70 a real good powerful engine.
Minneapolis 35-70 a real good powerful engine.
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Frick 25 HP purchased in Ohioa really nice double simple engine.
Frick 25 HP purchased in Ohioa really nice double simple engine.

Starting the parade. Mount Aqua oil rig in background. They
drilled for oil in early teens and hit hot health waterquite a
health center was built. After the Montana earthquake, the water
failed and so did the resort.

Oscar O. Cooke, the man who started and runs Oscar’s
Dreamland at Billings, Montana, is a man of superlatives, and a

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