1511 Iglehart, St. Paul, Minn. 55104.
August 28th and 29th, 1976 were the dates of the Andersen show.
The site of the show was the Andersen Farm and Museum located about
a mile east of Blooming Prairie, Minnesota on Highway 30.
From the parking lot where there seems to be no limit of parking
space, the visitor passes through the gate entering an expanse of
No doubt, the highlight of the show is the 140 HP traction
engine usually belted to. the large size lumber saw. George H.
Ohmann, Jr. was the engineer. This engine, purchased in Michigan by
Art Andersen is a double cylinder engine, built in 1913 by the M.
Rumely Company of LaPorte, Indiana. It is of gigantic proportions
weighing 27 tons. It rests on six-foot drive wheels measuring
forty-two inches in width. Needless to say, this engine is Art
Andersen’s pride and joy. It was on exhibition at the Farm
Fest, USA, which was held the week of September 12,1976 at Lake
Crystal, Minnesota.
Other engines at the Andersen show were a 60 HP Reeves double
cylinder, operated by engineers Smoky and Joe Cross. It was belted
to a Belle City thresher. Another engine was the 25 HP Russell;
Jared Ruble was the engineer.
Art Anderson led the parade both afternoons at 3 o’clock
with his 20 HP Port Huron. Buell Opdahl, Emmons, Minnesota, was the
engineer on the 75 HP Case. Engineer John Hale of Stewartville,
Minnesota was in charge of the 24 HP Minneapolis operating the 1908
wooden Minneapolis separator, threshing oats.
A fine under mounted Avery traction engine, I do not know the
scale, but it could be half-size, owned by John Hale, was operated
by engineer Lyle Sundry. This engine was built by the late H. W.
Christgau of Grand Meadow, Minnesota. Mr. Christgau built several
models of steam traction engines. He is well-remembered as a master
craftsman in that field.
A model Case thresher operated by a model steam traction engine
was threshing divided oat bundles. Along with the lumber sawing and
threshing, plowing was demonstrated in a nearby field.
Fine sorrel Percheron horses raised at the Anderson farm were
hitched to a gang plow giving a demonstration of plowing as it was
done before tractors came into use. Plowing with steam and gas
tractors was demonstrated. Lathe and shingle sawing and
blacksmithing received curious attention. Bruce Peterson sawed
lathe. Practically every horse-drawn machine including reapers,
self binders, cultivators, wagons, sleighs, mowers and a
wood-wheeled corn planter, hay rakes, hay tedders and hay loaders,
etc. by no means describes the list of machines used in times gone
by, all to be found in the Andersen collection.
Over fifty gas and oil tractors of all sizes including an Oil
Pull and a 35-70 Minneapolis, a large number of small gas engines
and several small steam engines, including a small scale model
traction engine, comprise a list of items at the show and museum,
but it is far from complete.
Other than the undermounted Avery tractor and a crawler tractor,
all rolling units, and all items at the museum are the property of
Art and Crystal Andersen, representing many years of
A Wells Fargo stage coach drawn by a fine team of sorrel mules
gave rides to youngsters and young oldsters. Henry Nolte of
Rochester, Minnesota was the driver. Also giving rides, was Mr.
Dillavou driving a pair of sorrel percheron mares hitched to a
Civil War ambulance.
A fine attraction was a team of llamas owned and driven by Irvin
Nelson of St. Peter, Minnesota. They were hitched to a light
vehicle commonly used in English horse shows.
Mr. Andersen told me that receipts from the tourist trade run
far in excess of the paid admission received annually at the shows.
In a recent season, people from nineteen states registered at the
Refreshment stands selling food including barbecue chicken,
music from a dance band and shady places to eat or to recline for
just plain ‘visitin’ all added to the comfort of visitors
at the show.
The Andersens consider the show successful. So this husband and
wife team along with their children and grandchildren are looking
forward to meeting you at a great show in 1977.