319 East 16th Street, Hutchinson, Kansas 67501
The Kansas State Engine and Threshing Show Associations are
affiliating to set up regulations for boiler inspection,
engine-operator qualifications and safety.
The antique and old steam traction engines operated at the
various Kansas shows have been in strict compliance with the Kansas
been administered by the Kansas Department of Labor under the very
able direction of Mr. Bob Green for several years. The official
boiler inspector for many years has been Claude Shriver of
Lawrence, Kansas. Mr. Shriver’s vast knowledge, experience,
skill and patience has provided Kansas boiler owners with excellent
inspection, service and advice.
Due to the economy moves by Kansas Governor Bennett in 1975,
coupled with the retirement of Mr. Shriver and the difficulty of
finding an experienced and qualified replacement for him lead to
the discontinuance of the Kansas Boiler Act that was set up in 1953
and has so excellently provided for boiler inspection and
regulations for over the last 20 years or more for Kansas.
To take the place of KSA 44-901 Boiler Act, the 1975 Senate Bill
#531 has brought up for passage in the 1975 Kansas legislative
session. This bill required all boilers in the state operating with
over 15 pounds per square inch pressure to carry insurance and the
Insurance Companies to provide the inspection. Due to the shortage
of qualified insurance inspectors coupled with the high cost of
year-round coverage, some antique engine boiler owners asked that
the bill be amended to exclude such boilers. The original bill was
amended and changed to provide for this exception and was then
passed and signed into law by the Governor. The owners and
advocates of this amendment had antique boiler safety concerns
shifted directly to their responsibility.
The first meeting of the various Kansas show associations was in
Hutchinson, Kansas. At this meeting the Tri-State Area Antique
Engine & Threshers Association, Inc., of Bird City, Kansas was
represented by Ernest Bressler and Ed Nelson, Jr. The Pioneer
Harvest Fiesta, Inc., of Forst Scott, Kansas was represented by
George Jackson and Del Seusser. The Wheat Heritage Engine and
Threshing Company, Inc., of Gossell, Kansas by Deemer Unhruh and
Bob Unhruh. The Southwest Kansas Antique Engine & Thresher
Association, Inc., of Haviland, Kansas by Bill Arnett and V. H.
Stroud. The Heart of America Engine and Model Association Inc., of
McLouth, Kansas by Ed Hein and Charles Edmonds. Other associations
in Kansas indicated interest in this meeting but were not in
attendance. At this meeting Ernest Bressler of Bird City, Kansas
was elected President, George Jackson of Ft. Scott as
Vice-president and Deemer Unhruh of McPherson, Kansas as
Secretary-Treasurer. ‘Kansas Antique Engine Show-safety
Association’ was decided upon to be the name. The secretary was
instructed to draw up a constitution and by-laws and to apply for
incorporation papers from the state.
The Kansas engine and boiler owners did not ask to be excluded
from this Act, or any consideration thereof, because of a desire to
avoid boiler inspection nor safety of operation. The cost of
year-round insurance coverage and the anticipated difficulty of
receiving timely and adequate inspection when needed were the
concerns of the owners. Antique engines and steam cars are a hobby
activity in Kansas and few if any pay their way.
Boiler inspection and safety is a must for show engines-we all
know that! Consequently the Show Associations of Kansas have
accepted their responsibility to come up with proceedings and
regulations to provide safety and to meet the requirements of
insurance companies that provide liability coverage for the
Items the new association must give in-depth study concerns
boiler conditions, engine registrations, safe pressures, relief
valves, gauges,, injectors, fusible plugs, engine operator
qualifications, safe operating procedures at the shows etc. Such
items must be adequately resolved to receive favorable insurance
company approval.
As this Kansas Association cornea out of its study and
discussions sessions and begins to function, we feel many other
shows and organizations that are subscribers to this publication
will be interested in what Kansas has been forced to do. The
Association will be glad to share our plans and thinking with
anyone interested. We will also be glad for suggestions.
Safety is our NUMBER ONE objective. We feel it can best be
implemented by a good organization with good backing and
participation of the Associations, boards of directors and
officers. Who would know more about it than the people who own and
show the equipment?