The Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Assn., Inc., Branch3 held
its 1963 show on September 14, and 15, at the Ronald Miller farm
one and one-half miles west of Geneseo, I11.
The weather was perfect for the show, and a crowd of
approximately 6,000 turned out to watch the old time equipment at
The show featured threshing 20 acres of stacked oats with three
separators — two steel machines with self feeders and wind
stackers and one wood machine which was hand fed and equipped with
a straw carrier. The oats were in three stacks. Two separators were
set so that bundles could be pitched into either machine as the
stack was threshed. Steam engines took turns driving one machine,
while gas tractors were used on the other machine. The oats, which
yielded about 75 bushels per acre, were of excellent quality and
were hauled from the separator to storage on the farm.
While the threshers were busy with the grain, other early
tractors were busy each day plowing in an adjacent field. Two,
three and five bottom plows were used; so there were plows
available for about every size tractor on the grounds. About 15
acres of tough orchard grass sod were plowed during the two day
show. The plowing demonstrations were greatly enjoyed by the public
and added much to the show.
A total of 147 old time gas engines were displayed on gas engine
row. All of these engines were in top running condition; and while
there were many engines of the same make, there were very few exact
duplications. Many of these engines were belted to old time
machines and equipment.
The Mississippi Valley Region of The Antique Auto Club of
America displayed 43 antique autos at the show. Members of this
organization have some very fine cars and have them very well
While the men were busy keeping the show moving, the ladies of
Branch 3 took charge of the lunch stand and did a brisk business
both days.
Although our branch is small in numbers (57 members counting
every man, woman, and child) and it took a supreme effort from
everyone concerned. Officers of Branch3 are: Frank Claeys,
Preemption, Illinois, President; C. R. Johnson, Freeport, Illinois,
Vice-President; Lora Lea Miller, Geneseo, Illinois,