Tacoma, Ohio
Yearly the old steam thresher was a most welcome guest.
Threshermen all deemed their rig most truly the very best. The
engine a mighty power, never once has it gone wrong. The thresher
daily gaining trade, it will command ere long. The steamer saves
fuel, a point alone is the farmers gain. The machine has a
involved cleans grain far better. The complete rig built and
designed just to the letter. Progressive owners keep their
machinery running fine. For they repaired during the long idle
winter time. Some there were whose neglect caused them to in the
field. Time lost could shorten greatly a farmers yield. Many have
run a season through with never a break. And never quit a job till
done for night or season late. Year in year out many days of
experience each season of practical knowledge of successful
threshing is a reason. For skilled operation in gaining many extra
job. And by square and fair dealing none did they rob. Obsolete
machinery and years of use which did deface. Have served their
allotted time which they never can retrace.