Courtesy of American Museum of Fire Fighting at the
Firemen’s Home of the State of New York, Harry Howard Avenue,
Hudson, New York 12534.
With characteristic pride, New York’s firemen have rescued
the past.
An appreciation of their profession’s colorful history has
State Firemen’s Association in Hudson, New York, the other
operated by the City Fire Department in Manhattan.
The physical catalog at Hudson’s American Museum of Fire
Fighting can be recited in a breath: 39 pieces of antique apparatus
engines, pumpers, etc. several thousand other assorted items
including hats, badges and banners, speaking trumpets; and a fine
collection of oil paintings, prints and lithographs.
But there is more to the museum and the profession than just
items, and the museum succeeds in telling the story of an endeavor
close to America’s heartbeat from the very beginning. Pastimes
and politics, patriotism and philosophy; each has found a home in
the firehouse.
For instance, during the Civil War, it became the custom for
whole fire companies to enlist as units in the army. The practice
is touchingly documented by one of the museum’s paintings,
entitled, ‘The Unfortunate Soldier Boy.’
The work depicts a young volunteer dressed in the ‘fire
zouave’ uniform of the Union Army. On his belt buckle is the
emblem of New York City’s Empire Hook and Ladder Company No.
The inscription at the base of a tree in the foreground reads:
‘J. A. Eisley. Born 20th April, 1837. Enlisted 20th April,
1861, Died 20th April, 1862. Wounded in the Battle of Camden. .
Probably the most valuable possession is the Newsham fire engine
of 1731, the country’s oldest. The museum’s collection of
early engines includes the Yankee built in 1783, the Jefferson,
predating 1851, and the ornate Kingston Parade Carriage-considered
one of the most beautiful.
The museum, situated on the grounds of the Firemen’s Home,
is open to the public throughout the year, daily from 9 A.M. to 5
P.M. Admission is free.
In contrast to the rambling, one-story structure at Hudson, the
New York City Fire Department museum occupies three floors of
red-brick building adjoining the firehouse at 104 Duane Street. The
Manhattan museum traces the evolution of fire fighting from
hand-drawn pumpers and ladders to horse-drawn apparatus of the
early 20th century.
The ‘Washington No. 1’ engine built in 1820 is the City
museum’s oldest piece of equipment. The small, handdrawn and
operated pumper was patterned after types originating in London,
England, in the 1700’s.
Early firemen pulled the machine by grasping its long ropes
wound on wheels, and used a short shaft called a tongue on the
front wheels steering. Poles on either side of the engines were
pumped up and down to develop water pressure. The water had to be
obtained from a nearby well, cistern or lake and was passed in
leather pails from man to man, to fill the engine’s tub.
The Hugenotan example of the hand-drawn horse reels once used by
Hook and Ladder No. 2 Built in 1882, this truck carried a
50-foot extension ladder. It was one of the first to employ tiller
wheels rear wheels that enable longer trucks to turn down narrow
The museum is open from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Mondays through
Fridays; 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. Saturdays; closed Sundays and holidays.
Admission is free.