In renewing his subscription to the ALBUM, Mr. Russell Sheneman
of Sugar Creek, Ohio, writes, ‘I don’t want to miss a
single copy as it is too interesting to me. I just love to look at
the pictures of those old steamers and still wish I could run one
Am enclosing $2.00 in cash for renewal of my ALBUM. I am a
retired steam man, and I mean retired. One of those that never die,
but just dry up and blow away. Success to you.
W. F. PETERSON, Lewiston, Idaho
I am enclosing a picture of the threshing rig which I formerly
owned and operated. It was an 18 hp. Gaar Scott engine and a 36×56
Peerless thresher.
I started threshing when I was 13 years old with the 36×56
Peerless thresher, which I bought new, and a used 15 hp. Gaar Scott
engine of the locomotive slide style. I used this engine two
seasons. I found Out, for the work I had drummed up, that this
engine was too small. Then I bought the 18 hp. new somewhat built
to order. I threshed 30 seasons with this outfit and run about 40
to 53 days per season. I also bought a new No. 9 Clover Huller,
which I used about 20 years.
When threshing wheat, we threshed about 1600 to 1800 bushels per
day; oats, about 4 to 6 thousand bushels per day; red clover, from
10 to 140 bushels per day. We always had 10 to 12 teams hauling
bundles up to the thresher and 4 to 5 teams to haul the grain
The machine men always stayed with the rig, day and night. We
always had 5 good meals a day. Night lodging was anywhere from a
good bed to hay mow under the thresher or around, the straw
Then my health failed me. I had to quit threshing. Of course,
about the same time combines started to take the place of
threshers. Now, combines is all you see in harvest time.
After I quit threshing I was fortunate enough to get hold of
three good men and started to sell J. I. Case farm machinery and
operate a general repair shop with it. We sell around $50,000 to
$70,000 worth of machinery per year. My men and myself think that
J. I. Case machinery is the best machinery any farmer can buy.
This is the end of my story. My only wish is to see more
threshing pictures and threshing stories in your paper. You
won’t have to return the enclosed picture.
BEN H. KEHRER, New Memphis, Illinois
Enclosed is my check for a one year renewal of my subscription
to the MOST INSPIRING MAGAZINE in existence today.
IRON-MEN ALBUM fills a niche in the heart of every steam engine
lover with a spark which may grow into a flame by efforts promoted
by the staff and contributing subscribers.
LEONCE C. BULLOCK, 935 Santiago Street, Santa Ana,
Mrs. Delia Rice, R. D. 1, Platte Center, Nebraska, has a Fence
Making machine that is 54 years old. It has been stored always and
is in perfect condition. Propelled by hand crank and feeds any type
of wire, making a strong diamond mesh stock fence or fancy lawn
fence. It would make a valuable museum piece. Write to her if
Page four of the Jan-Feb. 1955 issue of the ALBUM the picture
title at the top of the page reads, ‘Frick Traction Drive
Sawmill etc.’. It should read ‘Frick Friction Drive Sawmill
At the annual meeting of The Old Settlers and Threshers
Association, Inc., at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the following officers
were elected for the coming year:
William Sater, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, President; Lyle Burroughs, of
Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Vice-President; Mrs. Peter Bucher, Fairfield,
Iowa, Secretary; Milo Mathews, Mt. Union, Iowa, Treasurer.
We are all looking forward to seeing many of you at the 1955
reunion which will be held Sept., 7, 8, 9, 10.