I sent a letter to your magazine that was printed in the August 2018 issue asking for help in figuring out why my 1940s Case corn binder, that my grandpa bought new, wouldn’t tie a bundle. I received a letter from Eugene Gleitz, Lanesville, Indiana, with some very helpful information on what to check on the binder’s knotter.
He also included a brochure on an antique farm show in Lanesville in September 2018. Since we had recently retired, my wife and I decided to go to Lanesville to attend the show but mainly to meet Mr. Gleitz. He said he would be at the show Friday morning at the threshing machine.
Upon arriving at the show and finding the threshing machine, we saw about 20 guys working. I asked my wife which guy was Mr. Gleitz. She guessed he was the guy with the orange Allis-Chalmers cap. I asked a guy standing there which one was Eugene Gleitz and he said the guy with the orange cap.
We had a very good visit and he gave me more ideas as to what to check on the knotter and showed me on a baler knotter what to look for. He couldn’t believe we drove from Kansas to meet him and see the farm show. We really enjoyed all the activities and great food.
I was able to get the binder to tie a bundle of corn with the information that Mr. Gleitz gave me. I am now anxiously waiting for spring so I can plant more corn and see if the binder will tie some bundles this fall.
We may have to go to Lanesville in 2019 to see their farm show again, and to see Mr. Gleitz. Thanks, Eugene.
Norman Massoth,
Wellington, Kansas
Send letters to: Farm Collector Editorial, 1503 SW 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609 • fax: (785) 274-4385 • email: editor@farmcollector.com • online at: www.farmcollector.com