It has been a spell since I have written you, however, I am
still enjoying your fine comments in the Iron-Men, also the nice
picture’s and letters. Most of all, I hope this will find you
and yours in good health. I have managed to keep in top shape this
summer, which is one’s greatest blessings.
Through some of my travels this summer, I found a new steam
friend right under my nose, just 7 0 miles from here, at Longmont,
Colo, a Mr. M. T. Throndson, Who has a 80 H. P.
Case in the finest condition. I am enclosing some pix of it,
taken August, 12th, 1961 threshing at his farm near Longmont. Mr.
Throndson bought this engine new in 1922, and has used it every
year since that time. It has always been shedded during the off
season, so you know it is in fine shape. Mr. Throndson, also has a
Case 65 in the process of rebuilding, and is coming along quite
well with it. In the photos he is pulling a 36 X 60 Keck-Gonnerman
Separator (steel).
These pictures were taken by my friend Mr. A. R. Mittan of
Carpenter, Wyoming, who, I think, is one of your new subscribers.
He is an old Case man. He and Mr. Throndson, still has small
threshing runs. So, you see the three of us have quite a bit in
common. All of us, have quite a collection of old Case
Had two fine visitors call on me this summer. Mr. Frank Hamata,
of Schuyler, Nebr. and Mr. Henry Benn, and his wife from Ord, Nebr.
Mr. Benn brought along some of his fine colored slides which he had
taken at several shows he has attended, so we put in quite an
afternoon. Mr. Hamata, stopped in on his way home from a trip into
North Dak., Canada, and Montana. He had his car trunk about full of
old engine catalogs which he made me a loan of a few. Needless to
say, these folks are tops and we were sure happy to have them come
to see us. We hope they will stop in again, anytime.
Howard Moyers Cheyenne, Wyoming
My Grandad (Elmer L. Ritzman) and I feel that the Reunions could
do something constructive for young engineers. There are a lot of
us young men who are interested in the steam engine, but have never
had any experience in operating them. This, we would like to know
how to do. Some of the best engineers in the country go to these
Reunions. They could do a lot for young people who want to learn
more about the traction engine.
Such a course could be offered at a School of Traction
Engineering, for young and old alike.
The first day, the engineer could show the student how to fire,
water, and oil the engine, also operate it.
The next day or so the students could do all this work
themselves, including the operating, under the watchful eye of the
The next day, lectures could be given on the care, on setting
valves, lubricators, pumps and so on.
This is only a suggestion, but we hope that some of the Reunions
will use it to great advantage.
Dave Gilson Lodi Trailer Court Lode, Ohio
I’ve spent many an enjoyable hour reading your magazine and
re-reading some articles. I not only appreciate the clean standards
of thought maintained, but also the homey way of writing it.
Last year I took my first ride behind a steam locomotive at the
age of 27 years. The kindly officials of the Burlington railroad
and all others combined, sponsored the same Omaha to Lincoln trip
again this year. After we had bought our tickets of Mr. A. Ben-ask,
depot agent, 13 of us climbed aboard for a whale of a good time.
About 7 more of the group hadn’t ever ridden a train.
Thanks again for keeping your swell magazine coming.
A new born steam fan.
Roger A. Crosbie Box 54 Millard, Nebraska
My son and I have just gotten started in this extra fine hobby
of steam engines. We bought a 10 HP Port Huron in fairly good
condition from Mr. Clyde Schurman last November. Our neighbor, Mr.
Baker, hauled it on his low-boy on December 19th and even though a
bit early, I must say it was the best Christmas present we could
ever hope for.
I was raised on a farm in eastern South Dakota and as a small
boy can well remember the wonderful exciting days when it was
threshing time. What fun it was to ride the engine up our lane and
to be able to pull the whistle once in a while (actually it seems
like I never let go of it).
We have joined the WSJA and plan to attend several steam ups
around this area. Would also enjoy seeing some in the mid west and
east too, but don’t know when, or if we’ll be able to get
very far from home for a while. We live about 20 miles from
Steilacoom, where, at the Western State Hospital the WSJA has had 3
threshing bees and this year it is planned for August 19th. We have
attended all 3 and it was at the first one in 1959 that my interest
in steam engines was was revived, and my son’s born. He is only
15 now so at the rate he is going he will enjoy steam engines for a
long time yet. Me, well I’m only 44 so maybe I can too. Surely
hope so. My son’s name is James N. (Jim) Neitzel. Another WSJA
member let me have some of your fine magazines and I’ve enjoyed
them very much even though they are from 1960 and 1961. Now we can
have our own.
Barring misfortune, we’ll have our engine at the Bee this
year at Steilacoom. Sure am looking forward to it.
Norman N. Neitzel Rt. 10, Box 664 Olympia, Washington