A. G. Thomas writes………
Guess you will be surprised to hear from one as far south as
this. We love and enjoy our engines, cold or hot. We, as a
generation, have been running engines, threshers, sawmill, and
cotton gins for 5 generations. My grandfather moved from Illinois
in 1870 and settled in Georgia. He began sawing lumber and grinding
was a portable Wood Tabor & Morse, then ‘Old Birdsell’,
next a 12 HP Russell.
A. G. Thomas, Box 125, Cumming, Georgia
Burton Letter writes………
In Jan.-Feb. issue of Iron-Men Album Garnet R. Flack, Milton,
North Dakota wanted to know when the Rumley Company took over the
Advance line.
I have in my possession a Rumley Co. Catalogue dated 1913,
featuring the Advance, and the Gaar-Scott and Co. line. It states
that in Dec. 1911, the Gaar-Scott and Co., of Richmond, Indiana was
taken over by the Rumley Co. Also the same year they acquired the
Advance Co., at Battle Creek, Michigan. It also states and I
‘The future of the Advance Line under Rumley management is
bright and full of promise. The plant is working at its fullest
capacity. Two big buildings are nearing completion, other extensive
improvements have been made, and still others are planned for the
future’. I assume they made the Advance for sometime, since no
mention of Advance-Rumley appears in the 1913 catalogue two years
Burton Letter, Route 1, Six Lakes, Michigan
Ralph Koon writes………
Here is a picture of a Gaar Scott that I used to own brought
back. I have owned ten steam traction engines. A 20 HP Russell, one
8 HP Russell, one 10 x 10 20-60 Case, one 20 HP (old style rating)
Wolfe Compound Case, one 25-75 HP Rumley plowing engine with 175
lb. Canadian boiler. Five Gaar Scotts-one 12 HP, one 20 HP Twin,
one 22 HP and one 25 HP Twin.
I used the 20 HP Twin Gaar Scott five years in my rock plant. It
was replaced with electric motors when crushers and other equipment
were added which required more power.
The 25 HP Twin Gaar Scott I used for five seasons pulling rock
crushing plants for contractors. I have an A1 recommendation from
each of them. I can set any ordinary steam tractor valve in the
dark if necessary. During the time I followed engine running I
didn’t ‘lay down the tools’ for anyone. You will never
find anyone who has ‘more real love’ for a steam traction
engine than I have. Since reading copies of the Album I’m
getting ‘all fuzzed up’ and plan on buying one or two steam
tractors I know about, just to look at and have around.
Ralph Koon, Junction City, Oregon
John Jeffery writes……..
Here is a picture of our Robert Bell 20-22 HP Traction Engine.
These engines were built at Sea forth, Ontario as well as threshing
separators, stationary engines and saw milling machinery. This
company no longer makes engines, but does make heating boilers.
Robert Bell and Port Huron engines were identical in design.
We have just reflued this engine last year and u s e it for
power at times. It is in good working order. We carry 125 lbs.
steam at blow-off.
I have had several years of engine experience and enjoy working
with them, having threshed several seasons with steam.
This engine goes in the parades each year and we hope to be able
to attend a reunion here this year. I hope to be able to attend one
of your reunions this year in Michigan.
I’m very well acquainted with Mr. Hugh Chesholm of Sarnis,
Ontario, who, as I notice has a letter in your paper. Hugh has been
at steam work for quite some years and I have a visit from him
quite often. I would be please to hear from any of your readers
desiring to exchange notes on various steam engines. I have never
seen the above make of engine mentioned in the Album. Perhaps it
will be of interest to some of the readers.
John Jeffery, Box 58, Goderich, Ontario, Canada