The Mason-Dixon Historical Society held its first steam engine
show September 12, 13, 14, 1963 at the Howell Leppo farm, Green
mount, Md. With the cooperation of several members of the Williams
Grove Steam Engine Association, The Early American Steam Engine
Society and the Rough & Tumble Engineers it was a very
interesting show and had a large attendance the three days. The
In January election of officers was held. They are as
Raymond Leppo, President
Herbert Allgive, Vice-President
Mrs. Mary Shaffer, Treasurer
Mrs. Pat Masimore, Secretary
Directors: Stuart Leiphart,
Milton Lloyd, Emory Dull,
Harry Miller, Frank
McGriffin and R. Dayton Nichols.
This slate of officers are all steamed up and plans are already
underway for the 1964 show which will be held at the Leppo farm
Green mount, Maryland on September 10, 11 and 12th. Looking forward
to seeing you there.