PO Box 104 Oakley, Michigan 48649
The 8th annual Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor Show was bigger and
better than any year, with more exhibitors and visitors than any
show before.
Friday, we got the show underway with a little threshing and
stationary baling. Later in the afternoon we had a junior tractor
new pavilion, (which was built in the spring, thanks to many club
member man hours) was packed. Before the pavilion was built, we
used to rent a tent, but it wasn’t permanent. Now, we have
electricity hooked up, before we had a tractor-powered
Saturday broke cool and damp and the line for Fran Doty’s
home made pancake and sausage breakfast was long but well worth the
Dick Watson and Barry Tyler brought Dick’s nicely restored 6
HP Case portable steam engine to run the Koski brothers’ drag
saw that was run all day, much to the pleasure of the crowds. Bee
Meyers had his 1929 Hart Parr 12-12 on his shingle mill putting out
shingles as fast as he could for the crowd to take home. Jerry
Payne from Montrose brought his 50 HP Case which was the first
steam engine to be at our show and we dearly appreciate his support
and helpfulness. We also thank Ed Hurd from Byron for bringing his
19 HP Port Huron steam engine and we thank all the steam boys for a
job well done.
The tractor pull was an all day event that centered around all
activities, Saturday and Sunday. In all, for 2 days, there were 127
tractors pulled in 4 classes: ’39 and before, ’40-’52
on Saturday; ’52-’57 and steel wheelers tore the track up
Sunday. It’s a good thing we put our own scales in this year,
they sure got used!
In the afternoon, the muzzle loaders from Chesaning put on a
good show, which they do every year. Of course there was plenty of
threshing going on with 6 threshing machines operating and 2
stationary balers keeping everyone busy. Bev and Lon Meyers from
Henderson had their newly acquired 1895 10 HP Advance steam engine.
It runs about everything on the show grounds including their early
1900’s Sterling hand feed thresher and Bill Koski’s
32′-54′ Case separator. There also were a 22′ Case,
24′ Belle City, 28′ McDeering and 28′ Red River Special
threshers. George Valentine had his IHC baler working and the Koski
brothers had their big John Deere baler going which they had bought
from George last year.
In all, Saturday there were over 200 gas tractors, 4 steam
engines and many gas engines on the grounds. When the tractor pull
was over at dusk, the pavilion doubled as a beer tent and the polka
band came to life, playing ’til early morning.
Sunday morning it rained, but cleared by noon and the tractor
pull and regular events got underway. Bob and Ethel Folton, from
Oakley, served their famous chicken barbeque dinners which they do
every year. Threshing was done with Don McNaughton’s and Mike
Holder’s 30-50 Oil Pulls, both nice tractors. Ed Hansen from
Greenville brought his rare Waterloo Boy tractor .
It was a very memorable show and I wish it could last all year
but all good things must come to an end. A big thanks goes out to
all that made the show a success those mentioned or not. The club
is only 8 years old, but we now have our own 20 acres of show
grounds with 5 acres of shade, and most important 91 hard working
families. And we’re growing more each year.
If you need more information write: Mid Michigan Old Gas Tractor
Association, Inc., Box 104, Oakley, Mich. 48649. Hope to see you at
the show it’s always held the third week in August.