Minneapolis, Kansas
(Some may not like this type of Model Engine. I just wish I had
the skill and know-how to do as well. -Karl)
HAVE BEEN a Subscriber to your fine magazine for some years and
would like to say it fulfills a long felt want that no other
reading matter can do. It brings back those wonderful, unforgotten
smoking monsters of the grain field, it brings a great thrill to
our hearts. I owned several of my own as well as being a throttle
puller for many others. When a boy of 15 I took a course from The
Clark School of Engineering, by correspondence, of Madison,
Wisconsin. I still have my diploma and my books.
I am sending you a picture of my baby Nichols & Shepard just
finished. It took somewhat over 300 of my TV hours to build. It is
made entirely of scrap and was not an easy matter especially so
because I had neither welder or lathe to work with. Only a small
backyard, 6×10 feet, with a file, electric drill and hacksaw as my
main tools. Here are some of the details:
Boiler made from 4′ steel pipe, has eleven ? ‘ flues and
is conventional in every respect. Front wheels sawed from the pipe
same as used for the boiler, with nails for spokes drilled into
steel hubs. Rear wheels from bands from old wooden wagon wheel hub
with large nails for spokes also drilled into steel hub. Crank disc
and shaft were made from a gas tractor valve, flywheel from the
head of a lawn mower reel, large differential from an old adding
machine, governor is active and from a time clock, bevel drive
gears from a typewriter, steering gear and worm from a banjo,
cylinder from a hydraulic auto cylinder, and cross head guides from
a tractor bearing. Slide valve from aluminum from an aeroplane,
throttle from the spray control of an industrial ‘ aeroplane.
Only parts bought were some of the boiler fittings, bought from
‘TINY POWER’. Throttle is not shown in picture but is now
installed. Engine has reverse and operates fine in both motions.
Flywheel clutch has wooden shoes and is adjustable and works
perfectly, and with 50 lbs. steam it travels at a lively little
pace about the room. 28′ long, 11′ wide, 16′ high,
weighs 50 lbs. Have had lots of company to see it. Have fired it
both on coal and L.P. Gas and like the gas the best for so small a
fire box. To me this is a beautiful little piece of work and I get
a barrel of pleasure from it.
Tomorrow I will be 65 and expect to fly my Cub plane as usual.
The only thing wrong with the ALBUM is: It takes too much patience
awaiting the next issue.