Cochranville, Pennsylvania
Please find renewal check for the IRON-MEN ALBUM. It is very
interesting to me as a thresher (steam engine). I always notice
what is being said about the Nichols & Shepard and the Gaar
Scott engines as those were the ones I fell in love with in my
last issue shocks of grain in the background of a threshing scene
in North Dakota. Those miles of shocks will be hard to erase from
my mind-those large threshing outfits, the crew with the dining
car, the straw stack, or shed loft for a bed; the hoboes and all
else that made up the unit. I must include the straw burner engines
that were mine as an engineer to keep in running shape and have
’em going by sun up, to sun down. That was 50 years ago but it
is still clear and fresh and hard to shake off.
I want to thank you for printing my experiences in the
Sept.-Oct., issue. Much more I could have said.