737 5th Avenue Ford City, Pennsylvania 16226
The 1983 Steam Show season is history and we all look forward to
the new year of shows. As usual the Canandaigua, New York show was
outstanding for modelers. Over 200 engines of all sizes and
descriptions were displayed. I’m sure they will have to provide
more space in the future as it is at a premium now. Buzz Longrod is
Another fine show is the Milton, Ontario, Canada show. Their
model building is always filled to overflowing under the direction
of Jean and Jack Layman. I would have to say in all honesty that
the entire show at Milton is one, if not the best produced in the
East. The large fenced area in the infield across from the
grandstand is the stage for most all exciting events. The people
are very friendly and you can’t help having a warm feeling when
they play their national anthem and you look out to the infield and
see our flag flying with theirs, a reminder to all that there is a
mutual respect for one another.
On our way home we stopped to see the huge pumping engines at
Hamilton. That was the highlight of our trip. To see those giants
one was in operation is truly amazing. The young men responsible
for their restoration were very anxious to answer the many
questions the spectators asked. The Watts Parallel motions at the
cylinders could put you to sleep watching them silently going
through their paces. I am looking forward to another visit in
During the show season we again had the pleasure of seeing old
friends and meeting new ones. That’s what it’s all about.
We have a wonderful hobby.