Ford City, Pennsylvania 16226
We all eagerly looked forward to another season of steam shows.
The different aromas coal smoke, steam, oil, gas engine exhausts
and also the come hither smells from the eating stands, are all
part of our wonderful hobby.
We model makers spend our winters building our favorite models
together at the steam shows and see what each other put together.
Many lasting friendships are made in this way men from all walks of
life are united in our common bond.
The Model area of steam shows is one of great interest to all
show-goers. We are even pleasantly surprised at the acceptance by
the women’s interest. The smiling faces of kids, both young and
old, is reward enough for our efforts.
The last 20 years I have traveled many thousands of miles
attending steam shows, having been to 27 different shows in the
United States and Canada. The granddaddy of all shows has to be
Canandaigua, New York, as far as ‘modelers’ are concerned.
Due credit over the years goes to their model chairman, Clarence
Stillson and ‘Buzz’ Longrod. Milton, Ontario, Canada, is
also a very creditable show. The Canadian people are very
hospitable to us, and the model builders are second to none. All
the model people ask of the show sponsors is a suitable area under
roof with tables to display the models and suitable hookups,
whether steam or air being more desirable for models for safety
sake and easier to supply. The show ads should welcome the model
people. I once traveled 200 miles to a show and they did not even
have a plank on which to set my models. I came home the same
We travel great distances quite often, which means several
nights in a motel and other expenses all for the purpose of helping
make a steam show a success. We often have to pay our way in and
are even asked to join their society. That is out of reason if one
makes six or eight shows a season.
There are many skilled model makers all over the country and it
would be virtually impossible to single out any one as the best,
but I would like to mention one of the best and that is Donald
Fitzgerald of Hamburg, New York. His model of the giant Corliss
that was used to drive all the machinery at the Philadelphia
Centennial Exposition is without a doubt one of the most fabulous
steam engine models I have ever seen. He procured the original
drawings from the Smithsonian Museum redrew them to a smaller scale
made the patterns, then the castings and machined the whole works.
This model stands about two feet high and is truly a museum piece.
Without a doubt his model is the center of attraction at the
Canandaigua Show.
I do want to stress one point and that is SAFETY. I think that
every show should have several men delegated to see that no one may
get hurt. Needless to say, in my travels I have witnessed many
accidents from a broken leg to an almost severed arm. One bad
accident and we may all be out of business. I have seen test fans
for the large traction engines without suitable guard fences. I do
not like to see youngsters riding on tractor fenders during
parades. An ambulance or other emergency vehicle should be on hand
staffed by qualified first aid people. In the instance where the
small boy was severely cut no medics were handy and he had to be
taken to the hospital by car.