Ford City, Pa.
I am a Model Steam Engineer and over the years I have visited
and displayed my engines in 27 different shows in Pennsylvania,
Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, New York and Milton, Ontario, Canada.
I think in so doing I can sort of act as spokesman for our
group, this is not to say all Model Engineers may agree to my
of all Steam Shows. This is evidenced by the happy smiles and
genuine interest shown by the people. We have to answer a million
questions by everyone viewing our displays. Believe it or not, even
the women will astound you in the knowledge they have concerning
machinery. We spend countless hours in our workshops in the winter
evenings, machining and fitting the various parts, some of which
present difficult methods of finishing a part, owing to our limited
facilities. We take great pride in duplicating the larger engines,
whether it be stationary or traction to the best of our ability.
Many of us travel hundreds of miles to help put on a show and
believe it or not we have to pay our way into some of them.
Considering the travel costs and motel cost, etc. it really runs
into quite a sum if we display at a half a dozen or more shows a
season. Some shows do not accord us very adequate accommodations,
making it clear that they do not regard us as contributing much to
their show. Needless to say we Model Engineers have our little
black book and also pass the word to others not to waste their time
going to these shows. On the other hand there are many shows where
we are given the red carpet treatment and their facilities for
displaying our models are fine indeed. To name some of the shows in
the East that cater to models and ones I have attended for many
years are Milton, Ontario Canada, Canandaigua, N.Y., Alexander,
N.Y., Dover, Ohio, Kinzers, Pa. and Berryville, Va.
The crowds at the Model Engines display is definite proof that
we do contribute to the overall picture and all we ask of any Steam
Show Committee is to provide us suitable tables and either steam or
air on which to operate our engines. We make many new friends
wherever we go, meet people from all walks of life and that is our
reward for the time, patience, skinned knuckles etc., we get in
building our engines. And that is what the Steam Shows are all
about. They bring people together, regardless of their station in
life. It is gratifying indeed to see the smiles and looks of
contentment on the faces of men who are reliving one day of their
past, bringing back pleasant memories.
It behooves all Steam Show Committeemen to conduct their shows
in the safest manner possible so that nothing occurs that could
curtail such an operation. I have seen fans not adequately
protected, belts not properly policed, excess crowding around large
log sawing equipment, etc. In the Model Display area all steam
outlets not being used should be plugged, whether valved or not.
Kids have a tendency to twist and turn things with handles on.
Every Steam Show should have an active Safety Committee.
Looking forward to the coming shows and exchanging pleasantries
with fellow Model Engineers – – -See you there.