By Elbert Holroyd
Published on March 1, 1980
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My creation.
My creation.
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Blowing down the boiler through a one-inch valve at 175 pounds pressure. It makes quite a roar!
Blowing down the boiler through a one-inch valve at 175 pounds pressure. It makes quite a roar!
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Ball bearings are in the eccentrics and needle bearings are in the small ends of the connecting rods.
Ball bearings are in the eccentrics and needle bearings are in the small ends of the connecting rods.

Box 400, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada

When I was a small boy, my father had a 25-75 Case steam engine,
a 36-58 Case separator and a John Deere eight bottom plow.

The first job I had away from home was in 1929 when I fired and
ran a 22-65 Sawyer-Massey in a sawmill. Then in the winter of
34-35, I built myself a sawmill. My first setting I used a gas

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