I spent the most enjoyable weekend of the summer of 79 at the
Nittany Antique Machinery Show at Centre Hall, Pennsylvania. From
the moment of my arrival on September 7, at the show grounds at
Penns Cave, I knew I was in for a great ‘old-time’
A short trek through the hay stubble brought me to one of the
for the ol’ iron collector and some for my wife and sons but no
As I continued on toward the head quarter’s building, I
‘trooped-the-line’ of a group of very impressive puffer
bellies, all steamed up and ready to puff. Moments later, in the
same area, I stopped to supervise the unloading of an 18 wheeler
ladened with restored farm tractors. Soon realizing the man in
charge knew far more than I about unloading old iron, I headed for
the model building, which was filled right up with all kind of
goodies. Enough to warm the heart of the most ardent collector!
Finally reaching the headquarter’s building, I joined the
club and had a nice chat with the friendly members in charge.
Soon after leaving the headquarter’s building, I met my
Waterloo. There, just a few yards away stood an ice-cream freezer
powered by a John Deere ‘L’. If there is one thing I
can’t pass up, it’s John Deere Ice Cream especially when it
is dished up alongside of homemade pie.
‘The further I went, the behinder I got.’ Just had to
stop at the mammoth bean soup kettles, steam fired from a good
ol’ traction engine. Then over to the apple butter, made with
live steam; then off to the chicken barbeque, with a side trip to
the french fries and funnel cakes. All considered, if a feller went
home hungry, it was his own fault.
Now well fortified, I headed for the real meat of the meet: the
engines and tractors. I was certainly not disappointed at the fine
array of several lines of gas engines. There were all kinds and
size seven a nice little hot air pumping engine. I used to own it,
but I just couldn’t see the wisdom of a preacher showing off a
‘hot-air’ engine.
The tractors were another pleasure. There were all kinds in all
states of repair and dis-repair. My favorite was the Rumely 16-30
that I was privileged to pilot around the grounds in several
parades. The truth is, I’m a bit partial to the Rumely because
I owned it before it found a home with my good friend, Aaron
Heisey. Now it sleeps the winter away with several well restored
friends on the Heisey farm. Between huffs, the Rumely told me that
one of its best friends is Aaron’s superbly restored
International 8-16.
There were several demonstrations of machinery being run by gas
and steam tractors, but my all time favorite of the day was the
antique tractor pull. It was the first one I had seen, and I really
enjoyed it.
I had the privilege of preaching to a full tent of believers on
Sunday morning, and if the Lord tarries, and it is His will, I will
be returning to the Show in September, 1980, for another great time
and especially to preach on The Holy Spirit and You. Come on over
for a time you won’t forget. Lord Bless Ya’.
This was, without a doubt, the nicest, cleanest, friendliest
show I have ever attended.