Winston Salem, North Carolina
This year the reunion of the North Carolina Steam Historical
Association was practically rained out; although between showers we
had saw-milling, wheat threshing and the Baker fan in operation. We
had visitors attending from five different states.
We were happy to have Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krantz and daughter,
our home before the show. Don’t for once think that Harry and
Jim were the only ones to get a thrill out of handling the engines.
Nancy Krantz amused everyone by her operating the Case steam
It was so nice that Mr. Ritzman and family also came to the
Frontier Village at Boone for the occasion. It is a most wonderful
place for a reunion. There are picnic tables by the Creek. Here the
Krantz and Ritzmans, along with a group of North Carolina steam
enthusiasts, all of whom were previously acquainted, had a most
wonderful fellowship over a picnic supper.
Before returning home Mr. Ritzman, Earlene and Marsha visited us
in our home. Here it was supper time so Earlene went to the corn
patch and pulled the only ear of corn she had ever taken from a
stalk. It was quite a thrill to her.
We already knew what Elmer’s thrill would be. Again we had a
peach cobbler which he called a ‘horse pie.’ He had liked
it so well when he visited us before.
We were fortunate to have Mr. Ritzman a second time to preach at
our church at the 11 o’clock service on Sunday morning. Since
then several people have told us how much they enjoyed his